Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A Life Full Of Love (1 Corinthians 13)

 What types of people are hard to love? Why?

What do you do when you know you should love someone, but really don't want to?

Read 1 Corinthians 13:5 and answer the following questions about this verse:

What does this verse teach about the character of God?

How did Jesus demonstrate (or not demonstrate) the kind of love discussed in this verse? Can you think of specific examples?

Which of these descriptions of love is your favorite? Why?

Which of these descriptions of love is easiest to live out? Why?

Which is most difficult? Why?

Has your selfishness ever caused harm in a relationship? What happened?

Has another person's selfishness ever caused you harm? What happened?

What do you think it means to not keep track of other people's wrongs? Is this a command to let yourself be abused? Why or why not?

Try to think of Bible passages which are helpful in discerning the line between being a forgiving person and allowing yourself to be consistently abused.

Choose one of the following phrases as your goal for the week:
  • More sacrificial
  • Less selfish
  • More forgiving

Pray that God will help you accomplish your goal. Pray for others to have success in accomplishing their goals.

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