Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Guard Your Heart (Proverbs 4)

When has your heart been glad? When has your heart been broken?

In the previous question, your “heart” is not the blood-pumping organ, it is the center of your thoughts, feelings, emotions and decisions.

What do you think it means that the heart is the “wellspring of life?”

Read Proverbs 4:23.  Rewrite this verse in your own words.

What do you think it means to “guard your heart?” What types of things do people need to guard their hearts agains? Why?

Give some examples of how everything in life flows from our hearts. When is this good? When is it not so good?

Read Proverbs 4:24-27. Which of these verses speaks most powerfully to you? Why?

These verses address how we speak, what we look at and where we go. How do each of these activities impact our heart?

If you regularly speak negative words, how will your heart be affected? If you regularly speak positive words, how will your heart be affected?

When are you most tempted to use negative words? How can you be aware of this temptation and overcome it?

What types of images (or anything we look at) can impact your heart negatively? How can you use your eyes to positively impact your heart?

When are you most tempted to look at unhealthy images? How can you be aware of this temptation and overcome it?

How can the places you go harm or help your heart?

When are you most tempted to go places that will hurt your heart? How can you be aware of this temptation and overcome it?

Make a list of three things you can do this week to guard your heart. Ask at least one other person to pray for you this week as you work on these items.

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