Monday, May 23, 2016

Following Jesus Means Embracing His Mission (Mark 5)

What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?

Read Psalm 9:1–2. Make a list of 3–5 things God has done for you this week.

How often do you spend time “recounting all of God’s wonderful deeds”? How do you think your life would be different if you kept in a prominent place a list of God’s wonderful deeds?

What is the most remarkable thing you’ve ever witnessed God do in your life or in someone else’s life?

Read Mark 5:1–20. What parts of this story stand out to you? Why?

How grateful do you think the healed man was? How do you think he felt about God? Have you ever felt this way about God?

Read Mark 5:18–20. Why did Jesus not let the man follow Him?

How would you describe the mission Jesus had for this man to accomplish?

If you were sent to “proclaim how much Jesus had done” for you, who would you go to? What would you tell them?

Rather than pulling us away from the world and into a “holy huddle” Jesus sends us to our family and friends to tell the story of how He has changed our lives.

Jesus didn’t let this man “follow him”, he sent him on a mission instead. How might our time spent at church get in the way of our ability to accomplish our mission? Can we truly “follow Jesus” and ignore our mission? Why or why not?

What will you do this week to participate in the mission to which Jesus has called you?

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