Saturday, March 19, 2016

Jesus offers new habits, patterns, desires and plans (Mark 2)

What is the oldest thing you own? What is the newest thing you own?
Read Mark 2:18-22.
How do you feel about fasting? How often do you fast (if ever)? Why (or why not)?
In this passage, Jesus is less concerned with fasting and more concerned with the idea of life-change. In these verses, He emphasizes the superiority of His new life over the old life of sin.
What do you think is the point Jesus is making in verse 21?
What do you think is the point Jesus is making in verse 22?
How does your old life not FIT with the new life Jesus offers?
Prior to salvation, we all have habits, patterns, desires and plans. Think about each of these and discuss how they change after someone meets Christ.
What are the old life's habits? What are the new life's habits?
What are the old life's patterns? What are the new life's patterns?
What are the old life's desires? What are the new life's desires?
What are the old life's plans? What are the new life's plans?
How can holding on to old ways keep someone from receiving something new? Why are people sometimes afraid of letting go of the old?
What are the old things in your life which you want to let go? What would help you to let go of these things?
What new things can you accept from Jesus to replace the old you are letting go?
What is one thing you will do this week in response to this study?

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