Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Attitude Determine Altitude (a small group study from Genesis 37)

 Who do you know that seems to always have a good attitude? What do you think is their secret?

What causes you to have a bad attitude?

Use Genesis 37 as a guide to answer the following questions about Joseph’s brothers:

- Why did they dislike Joseph so much?

- Which words (choose as many as apply) best describe how they felt about him? Explain why.
— They were jealous
— They wanted revenge
— They were annoyed by him
— They were offended by him

Why do you think Joseph felt differently about his brothers than they did about him? (This isn’t really in the chapter, so you’ll have to guess and speculate)

Which words describe Joseph well (choose as many as apply)? Explain why.
— Courageous
— Optimistic
— Obedient
— Thorough
— Honest

How do you think Joseph felt when he was in the bottom of the well? How do you think he felt after he was sold into slavery? When have you experienced these kinds of feelings?

Was Joseph in a better place at the beginning or end of chapter 37? Why?

Was God surprised by where Joseph was?

How is this story encouraging for people who find themselves dealing with disappointment? How is this story encouraging for you?

What is one attitude adjustment you can make this week to be more like Joseph and less like his brothers?

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