Friday, October 13, 2023

Agents of Reconciliation (Micah 7:18)

Read Micah 7:18. What 3-4 words jump out at you in this verse? Have a few people use 4 words or less to summarize the verse.

How does this verse shape your understanding of God's character and mercy?

What does the term "God's remnant" mean to you, based on your understanding of the Bible verses provided?

Read Matthew 7:13-14. How does this verse describe God's remnant?

Why do you think God has left a remnant on earth? Why do you think He doesn't just take all of His people to heaven immediately?

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-20.What is the main point of this verse? What is the job that has been given to God's remnant?

What do you think it means to be an agent of reconciliation with your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, etc.?

God's remnant should look like God. Micah described God as one who pardons and forgives. Why is it hard to forgive the people who have wronged us?

Take some time and share some practical hints with each other to help you forgive others.

God wants us to reconcile with other people and He wants us to help other people be reconciled to Him. How can you help more people be reconciled to God?

Have each person share the name of one person they know who needs to be reconciled to God.

Take a few minutes and pray specifically for each of these people.

Have each person in the group identify one action they can take in the next few days to be an agent of reconciliation.

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