Thursday, December 29, 2022

Love the Lord your God (Mark 12:29-30)

What is a good change you made in your life this past year?

What is one change you want to make in your life in the new year?

On a scale of 1-10, how aligned are your priorities with God's priorities?

From the following list, which area is the one in which you struggle most with priorities?

  • Money 
  • Time 
  • Family 
  • Work 
  • Entertainment 
  • Fitness/Leisure Time 
  • Friendships 
  • Conversations 
  • Attitude

Using the above list, in which area would you most like God to help you?

Read Mark 12:29-30. Why do you think this command is always preceded by the statement that God is "one"? 

We often think of "love" in terms of relationships. What do our relationships with spouses, parents, children, and friends teach us about God's love for us and our love for Him?

Have each person share a practical example of how they can demonstrate love toward God?

Why is this command easy to follow? Why is this command difficult to follow?

Spend some time discussing WHY God is worthy of our love.

What is one commitment you can make this week to prioritize God in an important area of your life?

How can this group pray for you?

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