Thursday, January 24, 2019

Those Who Have Seen Jesus, Share Jesus (John 1)

What is the most exciting invitation you have ever received?

Read John 1:35-51. Based on what you see here, which of the new disciples is most like you? Why?

What is the one word you would use to describe each person (Andrew, Peter, Philip, Nathanael)?

Why do you think Jesus' first words in the book of John are a question? Why did Jesus use questions so often to teach? What question do you think He would ask you right now?

Jesus gave the disciples an opportunity to get to know Him before He asked them to follow Him. Why?

What are the questions some people need to have answered before they are willing to follow Jesus? What questions did you need answered before you were willing to follow Jesus?

Both Jesus and Nathanael invited people to "come and see". What do people around you need to see that might encourage them to follow Jesus?

What can you show people that might encourage them to follow Jesus? What can a church show people that might encourage them to follow Jesus?

In these verses, Jesus uses three statements to invite others into a relationship with Him ("What are you seeking?", "Come and see" and "Follow me."). Which of these statements would be most convincing or inspiring to people you know? Why?

How can you change your life so that you will be able to more effectively invite people to follow Jesus?

What will you do this week to be a "come and see" person?

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