Thursday, December 6, 2018

All I Want For Christmas: Contentment (Matthew 2)

What are you searching for in life?

Read Matthew 2:1-12. What was everyone searching for?

How do people search for God today?

What can you do to help people find God?

Why did the Wise Men want to find Jesus?

Why did Herod want to find Jesus?

When was the last time you searched for someone so you could give them something?

When was the last time you searched for someone so you could honor them?

When was the last time you searched for someone so you could get something from them?

Do most people search for God so they can give something to Him or so they can get something from Him? Give examples if you can.

How does giving help develop contentment?

What do you have that you can give to God? What does it mean to give your trust to God?

Read Philippians 4:11-13. How did Paul give his trust to God?

Read Philippians 4:19. Does this promise encourage you to trust God? Why or why not?

What can you give away to God or to others this week?

What will you do this week to cultivate more contentment in your life?

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