Thursday, November 16, 2017

Finding Balance (2 Samuel 13)

Read 2 Samuel 13:1-22. What words would you use to describe this story?
Think and talk about the decisions made by the main characters in this story (Amnon, Jonadab, David). What do you think caused them to make the choices they did? What should each of them have done differently?
If you were David, what would you have done when you learned about Amnon's abuse of his sister?
If you were Absalom, what would you have done when you learned about Amnon's abuse of your sister?
Why do you think these two men responded the way they did?
Read Joshua 1:9. What would have been the "strong" and "courageous" response to Amnon's behavior?
Read 2 Samuel 13:23-39. Was Absalom justified in his response to Amnon? Why or why not?
When have you overreacted to a situation in your life? What was the result?
Often in life, we must work to find a balance between two extremes. How do you find a balance between being overly passive toward evil and overreacting toward evil?
In your spiritual life, how are struggling with passivity? How are struggling with overreaction?
What can you do this week to bring some balance into your spiritual life?
How can other people help you with this endeavor?

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