Wednesday, April 13, 2016

True Siblings of Jesus are Children of God (Mark 3)

Have you ever been so committed to finishing a project that you forgot to eat? What was the project? How did it end up?

Read Mark 3:20-21.

Why do you think Jesus’ family claimed he was “out of his mind?”

Do you think Jesus’ family agreed with Jesus’ personal mission? Why or why not?

How do you respond when people think you are “foolish” for following Jesus?

Read Acts 1:14. Notice who was in the upper room with Jesus’ followers.

What do you think changed for Jesus’ mother and brothers? What happened in your life to change your mind about Jesus?

Read Mark 3:31-35. Pay special attention to verse 35.

How would you summarize verse 35 using five words or less?

If someone asked you to teach them how to do the will of God, what would say?

How do you think you did the will of God today? How could you have done better today?

What is one area of your life that needs to be more in line with God’s will. How can you work on that area this week? Who can help you with this?

Who can you encourage in their spiritual walk this week?

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