Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Open Your Hand (Mark 3)

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Read Mark 3:1-6. Make a list of all the characters in this story. For each character, choose three words which describe them well.
Do you think Jesus knew the Pharisees were watching him? Do you think everyone else knew? Why or why not?
When was a time when you felt people were watching and judging you? How did you deal with it?
Why do you think Jesus made the man with the bad hand stand in front of everyone? How do you think the man felt with everyone looking at him?
What flaws of yours do you try to hide from everyone around you? Why? Why is it difficult to talk about our shortcomings?
Read James 5:16. How do you feel about this verse? What specific steps should people take to apply this verse?
What words in verse five are used to describe Jesus' emotions? Do you think you have ever made Jesus feel that way? Why?
How does Jesus feel about you today? Read Romans 5:8. What did we do to earn Jesus' love?
The man in this story had to stretch out his hand in order to be healed by Jesus. Stretching out our hands often signifies letting go of something. We all have habits, hurts and hangups which we need to let go.
What do you need to let go of in order to experience the fullness of Jesus healing?
What one thing will you do this week in response to this study?

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