Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Full Life (John 10)

Who is a person in your life that makes your life better? How do they do it?

Read John 10:7-18.

What do you think Jesus means when he refers to himself as "the gate"?

A gate is used to let people (sheep) into a place. What is the place into which Jesus allows us entry? Are there other ways in beside Jesus?

What do you think Jesus means when he refers to himself as the "good shepherd"?

Jesus compares himself to the thief and the hired hand. What do you think he is trying to teach by making these comparisons?

What does Jesus mean when He says, "I lay down my life for the sheep"?

Why did Jesus have to die? Why is it important that he rose again (vs.17)?

Jesus said that his sheep know him. How can you know if you are one of Jesus' sheep? How does one become one of Jesus' sheep?

In verse 10, Jesus says he wants his sheep to have life "to the full". How do you imagine the "full" life? Does this mean that Jesus' sheep never have any problems? Why or why not?

How has Jesus made your life better?

As a group, use your prayer time to give thanks to God for the things he has done to make your life better.

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