Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Growing to Maturity (1 Peter 2:1-2)

-- These questions are taken directly from Calvary's MORE journal, so they are not necessarily designed to be a complete small group study.  They are however intended to help someone think through the implications of the text. --

Read 1 Peter 2:1.
What are the things we need to eliminate from our lives if we want to grow?  

How would you define some of these things?  

Which of these things might apply to your life?

Read 1 Peter 2:2

In what ways is a new Christian like a baby?  

What traits of a baby might be desirable for a Christian?  

What traits of a baby might not be desirable for a Christian?  

How can a Christian move past the “baby” stage?

Using a Bible concordance or a website (examples: or, look up the different passages in the Bible that talk about “craving” (or “crave”) and “milk”.  What can you learn about your own spiritual walk from these verses?

How would you define a “mature” Christian?  

Make a list of the character traits of a mature Christian.  Which of these would you like to develop in your own life?

Read 1 Peter 2:2. Using a Bible concordance or a website (examples: or, look up the different passages in the Bible that talk about “grow” or “growing”?  Write down 3-5 observations you make from these verses.

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